Over 25 years’ experience
If you need help fixing or replacing your vehicle remote, then you need to contact an expert auto locksmith. Why not call someone with over 25 years’ experience in the industry? Our team will get the job done quickly and efficiently.
Assurance and peace of mind
If your car remote has stopped working, despite changing the battery, call Grimsby Car Keys to discuss your options. We offer replacement aftermarket and genuine remotes. We guarantee your car will be accessible from the new remote and our quality service will provide assurance and peace of mind as well as getting you on the road again. Common reasons why a remote starter ceases to function include:
A dead battery
A faulty starter
Activated valet mode
Specialists in repairing transponder keys
We specialise in replacing transponders inside broken or damaged transponder keys, as well as reprogramming new fob keys to seamlessly integrate with your car’s engine management system. Transponder keys transmit a low-level signal from the key to the receiver, which is located in the car. We are well recognised across by both private and commercial clients, as well as others in the industry, for our ability to ensure your new key functions perfectly.
Benefits of a remote starter
Any remote starter that is installed after you have bought your vehicle is known as an aftermarket starter. A remote starter has numerous benefits, such as enabling you to warm up (or cool down) your vehicle before getting in, making your journey more comfortable, and enabling you to warm up your engine before you start. Many aftermarket starters offer a 2-way confirmation, so you have peace of mind that your car is secure and/or that it has started as required.